You can always do better, so strive for continuous improvement.
1. Know yourself.
Who are you?
Where are you now?
What are your values and principles?
Where do you want to be?
2. Know your market.
What is the market opportunity?
What do customers really value?
Who are your competitors?
How fast is the industry evolving?
3. Define your Mission and Vision.
Define in one sentence the main purpose of your company. This is your mission statement.
Set clear corporate values which bound the scope of your activities.
Inspire your employees and customers with a concise paragraph of what you want to achieve in the future. This is your Vision for the company.
4. Assess your position.
Know your company’s strengths and weaknesses.
Be aware of the market opportunities and threats.
Identify growth sectors at the intersection of strengths and opportunities.
Plan your defense from the combined risks of weaknesses and threats.
5. Review and revise your product and/or service offering.
Clearly define your offering, highlighting the key elements required to succeed in the marketplace.
Develop a roadmap to place your products and/or services in the hands of your customers.
6. Draft and action plan with achievable goals.
Get everyone involved and jointly draft an action plan.
Define quantifiable steps to accomplish your mission and set a course to fulfill your vision.
7. Optimize and deploy your assets.
Have full accountability of your resources and put them to their best use.
8. Monitor & make adjustments.​
Hold people accountable and reward them for their efforts.
Make course adjustments as needed.
Be well informed when making bold changes.
Make sure internal communications are thorough and uncompromised.